Recently on various WhatsApp groups, a fake text is being shared a lot. It claims that 125,000 Retired Income Tax officers aged 58-61 years have been recalled by PM Modi.

Fake WhatsApp Message Text:

125,000 Retired Income Tax officers aged 58-61 years have been recalled by Modi.

They have 3 day training from 28-30 Nov and join work on 1 Dec. What work they will do is anyone's guess.

The financial year will shift to *Jan- Dec* instead of *April-March.* Announcement will be made on 30th December.

There is a strong possibility that Government may scrap Income Tax from FY 2019-20 and replace with *Banking Transaction Tax* by(BTT). from 1st April 2019 possibility of only two taxes

*1. * * Direct Tax as B T T* and

*2. * * G S T as indirect Tax.*

How does the Government plan to remove black money from India ?

Step 1: Dismantle the cash economy by not allowing any cash transaction above Rs.10000 without PAN or Aadhar.

Step 2 : All salaries and business expenses required to be made in cheque or RTGS only to claim expenses in Income Tax. All cash transactions to be disallowed.

Step 3 : A Cash Limitation order will be issued that will allow only maximum cash allowance of total Rs.50000 per person.

Step 4 : As the cash economy is destroyed after a few months, the Rs.2000 note will be demonetised with a limited notice.

With very limited cash available in the market, the cash economy will be strangled to death.

Step 5 : As some of the cash economy will try to shift to Gold, Gold coins manufacturing and imports will be banned.

Step 6 : A Gold and Precious Jewellery control order will be issued which will allow only 500 gram of Gold per person and a certain value of other jewellery. Relaxation will be given for existing jewellery if declared to authorities as per format. After a certain date, all undeclared Gold and jewellery will be liable to be taken over by the state.

Step 7 : A Property and Asset Declaration order will be issued where all property (*Land, Buildings and Flats) and shares will have to be declared to the authorities in a particular format. After a certain date, all undeclared property or shares will be liable to be taken over by the state.

That will complete the removal of black money from India.

Forwarded as received.


These types of hoax messages are being shared by mischievous people to create confusion in the minds of readers. This kind of message has also been shared on Twitter, Facebook and even on online forums and sites:,000-Retired-Income-Tax-officers


Fact Crescendo team did a fact check on this issue. We did Google Reverse Image search & Google search of the message text and found many references online. We also researched various WhatsApp groups, Facebook & Twitter handles to see who were sharing and commenting on this hoax message.

We found the following:

  • This fake message is being shared around on WhatsApp groups and online from last few years in many states of India.
  • Even in 2016, various online fact-checking websites had already flagged this message as fake or spam.

Every year, the Financial Year (FY) & dates mentioned in the hoax message, are changed to the current year in which it is being propagated.

  • In 2017 this message had also morphed into another version, which was also flagged by online fact- checking sites:

  • There has never been a real life event wherein ‘PM Modi recalled 125,000 Retired Income Tax officers aged 58-61 years’ as claimed in the hoax WhatsApp message and none of the major news media networks have posted this kind of news online.


Fact Crescendo team tags these kinds of posts as Fake. These kinds of hoax posts or messages will be shared across by many people using WhatsApp and other social media applications again & again. But we as readers should be aware of the reality of these kinds of messages, as to what they really are – just Fake.

Fact Crescendo advises its readers to refrain from falling prey to unsubstantiated & misleading WhatsApp forwards and social media posts. When in doubt, visit various news media & fact checking websites online.

Dear Readers,

Do you feel that a certain story is fake? Do you know some additional factual details about a claim being shared on social media?

Then you can submit that claim or news here, for our team to verify and fact check for you.


-Fact Crescendo Team-